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编辑:重庆长安北鼎金属材料行  时间:2018/08/16


Frank先生一开场就提出:80%我们的订单来自于老客户,因此老客户的关系维护非常重要。在2008年经济危机之后,我们再也不能像原来一样做生意了,我们应该更有效地推销自己,与买家进行更密切的交流,才能赢得订单。单纯的报价不会吸引买家。(Just sending out price is not attractive,won’t work,not enough。You need to be more pro-active,better communication,more marketing skills,better presentation。)


第一个问题:How to attract a foreign purchaser in an outstanding way?(如何在众多同行中脱颖而出赢得采购商的青睐?)

现场学员1:I have good price。

Frank点评:Just sending out price won’t work。

现场学员2:Our products are of high quality。We have quality control。The materials we use is different from others。You may have a look。

Frank点评:”We have Quality Control。Our quality is good”,easy saying。But we won’t believe。Don’t try to explain。What you should do is to make the quality control transparent,make it easy understanding,making it clear。

第二个问题:Who is your customer?(你的目标市场在哪里?)

现场学员1:We are selling all over the world。

Frank点评:Please no“all over the world”,ladies and gentlemen,please be serious。

现场学员2:My quality is good,so we want to sell to European market。

Frank点评:If your quality is good,the price won’t be low。That’s logical,no need to explain。But please provide technical support for“good quality”

第三个问题:How to corporate with your customers?(如何与客户合作,共赢共荣?)

现场学员1:We have our own brand。We want to sell our own brand。

Frank点评:Europeans don’t buy Chinese brands。If you want to sell your own brand,you have to be professional enough,to offer the agent something like trainings,trainings on products,trainings on technical datas,trainings on selling,but just basic knowledge。


Frank评价:This is impressive。You are doing the right thing。




Frank分享一个合作很好的供应商,因为更换了一个很不好的销售经理,导致”we left our good supplier”来说明作为销售经理,一个好的personality和服务意识对于维护客户非常重要。